Monday, 9 August 2010


My post on Leeds is kinda late (and it's pretty looong), but I've spent the weekend working and with Jack as it was his birthday yesterday :)

Since my friend Donna, has moved to Leeds for uni, we decided to go visit her while she's over there alone. So myself, Heather and Andri dragged our overpacked bags to Lime Street, and jumped on the train. Well, that train was terminated due to a 'fatality' in Warrington - never good!
So after being thrown to and from about four different trains, we arrive in Leeds, maybe two hours late...

Her flat has a pretty similar layout to the one she had in Liverpool, but it's definitely bigger - there was an extra couch, but we still all ended up sat on cross-legged on the floor, watching Sex& the City while eating amazing homemade nachos, and a Vienetta/brownies/doughnuts.cream concoction, ohhh it was yummy!

The next day Megan joined us (her train was fine ¬__¬ ) and we spent the day exploring Leeds; and by exploring I mean the shops! Again it's not that different from Liverpool - they even have a St Johns! But there's a Harvey Nicks - I felt like I was sooo underdressed in there, but the bags are amazing!
We picked up some wine and more food for when we were getting ready to go out later.
Started off in Tiger Tiger - Donna sweet-talked the door guy and we got in for free! Bottles of wine were £5 so we were there for a good while. Ended up in Oceana - it's kinda like Mood with the different floors, etc, except the floor was covered in glass; not good!
Got home and finished off the pizza from tea, chatted about crap and fell asleep. The train home was again a nightmare, but sleeping in my bed that night was amazing!
Can't wait to go visit her again, maybe for longer if she'll let us :P

Warning - photo overload; I uploaded my favourites, which turned out to be a lot!

In Oceana (got in there half price, whatup!)

1 comment:

  1. That dessert concoction sounds bad for my butt. haha
    Sounds like a good time was had by all and you have to love public transport in this country : )
