Sunday, 1 August 2010


My girl crushes are coming in thick and fast; faster than I had ever expected them to, but ah well :)
Ellie Goulding's the newest face on my list; I didn't enjoy her first song - Starry Eyed, not quite sure why it just irritated me.
But I've taken the time to listen to the rest of her album, Lights, and all I can say is wow.
It's the exact kind of music I'm into atm; happy, flowy music you can just drift off to...
The fact she's really down-to-earth on the interviews I've seen/read, and that she's soo cute only aids her.

My favourite song of hers atm is This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) - despite the actual meaning behind the lyrics, it's so dreamy, you can't help but smile when you listen to it :)


  1. You worked out your daily read bar! AWESOME!

  2. Haha oui!
    I added a Twitter bar for some variety too, I feel so proud :')
